What To Expect


Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School , 11AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM

We Look Forward To Meeting You!

What to Expect

Expect: Exposition of God’s Word and Purity of Biblical Doctrine

   Each week the word of God is taught verse by verse in our church service.  We are not focused on entertainment, but on truly learning and applying the truth of God’s Word to our lives.  That priority is manifested throughout our various ministries.  (2 Timothy 4:1-4; II Timothy 3:16; Psalm 119:9)

Expect: A Church family committed to growing in godliness.

  We believe as followers of Christ we are to show godly character and integrity by the way we live and by our desire for continuous spiritual growth. (Galatians 5:22–23; Titus 2:11-14) We also believe that living for God should permeate the life of a true Christian through our time, talents, finances, priorities, lifestyle, etc.  We believe that all we are and all we have belong to God. (Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

 Expect: A Church family who is genuinely concerned for  you

   During Sunday School  and during each Wednesday evening and Men and Women’s Fellowship we take the time to hear the concerns of the church family and lift them up to the Lord in prayer. At the the close of Sunday School we take prayer requests and then break into small groups of men and women to pray for one another.  We also share prayer requests with one another through a church email group throughout the week.  In addition to prayer, we are careful to assist one another during times of need  that arise in one another's lives.  We believe love should permeate our relationships and the members of our body are like family.   The first Sunday of every month, after the main service we have a covered dish meal together.  We also have a variety of monthly church fellowship events, such as church bonfires, picnics and game nights.  (I John 4:7-8; 1 John 3:16) We believe God’s desire is that we value others more highly than ourselves, and thus we should be willing to serve one another. (Philippians 2:3-4)

 Expect: Worship music that glorifies our Lord

  We have a time of singing at the beginning of each church service led by either piano or guitar.  Most of our music is in the form of new and old hymns and choruses.  We are committed to praising the Lord with lyrics that are doctrinally sound because it is our desire that our music exalts God and not man.

 Expect: A church family that is concerned about the heart and not external  appearance or nationality.

   You will be welcomed into our family no matter what race or nationality you may be.  God  has made all of us one in Christ.  (Galatians 3:28) Also feel free to come dressed in formal or   casual clothing as God is not concerned about the outward appearance but the heart of man.  (1 Samuel 16:7James 2:1-4)

The Order of Sunday Services:

9:30 AM  Adult Sunday School / Prayer time (in church sanctuary)

9:30 AM Children's Sunday School - ages 3 years - 6th grade / nursery services are also provided in classrooms located in church basement.  The stairs are immediately to your left as you enter the building.

10:30 AM  Fellowship and Refreshments in the church fellowship hall (in the basement)  Restrooms are also located here.

11:00 AM Main Service (in the Sanctuary)  Nursery for ages 1-5 (located in church basement)  Nursing room for nursing mothers with a video feed of the service is also located in the basement.